Petra Stehlíková is a Czech writer of post-apocalyptic fantasy novels, with deep worldbuilding that explores the relationships between the "haves" and "have-nots" in society, and how power thrives on deception and ignorance. Her bestselling breakthrough novel, Naslouchač ('The Listener') was published by HOST in the Czech Republic in 2016, and is still a standout release with thousands of high-rated reviews, as are the subsequent instalments in the 'Listener' pentalogy. Find the reviews here on Goodreads. While the series is being translated into Ukrainian and Polish, Temple Dark Books are delighted to have acquired the rights for the English language translation, which will be delivered to us by Isabel Stainsby (see below).

Isabel Stainsby was born in Oxford and studied languages and literature in Cambridge, Bristol and Olomouc, Czech Republic. She translates into English from Czech, Slovak, German and occasionally French, and has worked in translation since 2010. Her literary translations range from science fiction to academic texts.
Isabel lives in Glasgow, Scotland, with her husband and a very spoiled greyhound. Her books-to-be-read list is likely to outlive her.