David Smith may or not be human, but you can be sure that whatever nefarious agenda he has planned, he will at least keep you sufficiently distracted with his plethora of eclectic tales. David is the author of 20+ books and more than 300 short stories, and has been published in many magazines, anthologies, and on other websites (lesser websites than ours, of course).
He writes comedy dramas (whatever they are), detective/political thrillers, satirical tales, and horror stories with either Sci-Fi or ghostly elements. David lives near the idyllic Cardigan Bay in West Wales with his wife and best friend, Ally. She’s probably in on the whole thing, but let’s reserve judgement until we hear their defence.
You’ll find his back catalogue at davidsmithbooks.co.uk. With the forthcoming terror of Nematodes on our publishing horizon, we have him now, so don’t worry. We’ll keep tabs on him.